The Artistry Studio

Artist's Bio

Laurie's Bibliography

to the Fine Art of
Wildfowl Sculpture
 in Wood

The Artistry Galleries


Wildfowl Carving Studio Products

Contact Laurie

The Artistry Studio
of Wildfowl Sculpture in Wood
Minnetrista, MN 55364

The Artistry Studio of Wildfowl Carving
Featuring original Wildfowl Sculpture in Wood, Decorative Lifesize & Miniature Wildfowl Sculptures,
Palm Frond Sculptures, Interpretive Sculpture and Limited Edition Bronzes of Award Winning Artist Laurie J. McNeil

Wildfowl Carving Workbench Project

Common Loon with Chicks

Complete step-by-step instructions for power carving and painting with oils, an adult common loon and its young from a single piece of tupelo. Pattern included.

Click Here to Order


The 2016 Spring Issue Wildfowl Carving Magazine features part two (pages 22-39) of Laurie's "By Any Other Name" article. Part two shows her process of hand-painting a decorative smoothie Oldsquaw drake using DecoArt Traditions acrylic paint.

Facebook users will find FREE tutorials with step-by-step instruction 
on Wildfowl Carving of all types...

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Find Laurie's most recent articles in Wildfowl Carving Magazine...

Watch Free Wildfowl Carving Tutorials on Laurie's YouTube Channel

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 requires written permission from Laurie J. McNeil.

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