The Artistry Studio
of Wildfowl Sculpture in Wood
Minnetrista, MN 55364
The Artistry Studio of
Wildfowl Carving
Featuring original Wildfowl Sculpture in Wood,
Decorative Lifesize & Miniature Wildfowl Sculptures,
Palm Frond Sculptures, Interpretive Sculpture
and Limited Edition Bronzes of
Award Winning Artist Laurie J. McNeil
Wildfowl Carving Workbench Project
Common Loon with Chicks
Complete step-by-step instructions for power carving and
painting with oils,
an adult common loon and its young from a single piece of tupelo. Pattern
2016 Spring Issue Wildfowl Carving Magazine features part
two (pages 22-39) of
Laurie's "By Any Other Name" article. Part two shows her process of
hand-painting a
decorative smoothie Oldsquaw drake using DecoArt
Traditions acrylic paint.
Facebook users will find FREE tutorials with step-by-step instruction
on Wildfowl Carving of all types...